# 678 (1929) Jefferson, Nebraska Overprint - Sgl, Used, Precancel

# 678 (1929) Jefferson, Nebraska Overprint - Sgl, Used, Precancel

Regular price $23.95 Sale

US 1929
 Fourth Bureau Regular Issue - NEBRASKA OVERPRINT
  Rotary Press
Water Activated Gum
Scott 678
Perforated 11 x 10.5
Stamp Single

Precancels of the Kansas-Nebraska issue are really hard to locate. Some of the larger towns precanceled only one value. During Christmas rush, towns which had no users of precancel permits were authorized to precancel through the busy season as a time saver. Smaller offices used a 25-subject handstamp instead of the 100-subject electro, and many times as few a 25 of a kind were precanceled since these were only used at Christmas time. In the case of the Kansas-Nebraska overprints, precancels are doubly scarce because of the small quantity issued and since they were in use for less than a year.